G’d morn’n’… M’ w’fe….

Denmark you better send me a copy of one of those video tapes, bro.

Thisvisithere(my town) today!
Finlandis anewworld champion! Finlandis anew… *singing*
Well,a monthhaspassed since thevictory…But still we celebrate :)
Helsinki elected the best city to live in (HS.fi):The british magazine Monocle has elected Helsinki the best city to live in this year.
Monocle is listing the 25 best cities to live in since 2007.
Helsinki was placed 6th four years ago and has been on the fifth place ever since then. Zurich is on second place, Kopenhagen on the third.
Helsinki was especially praised for the flexible opening times of shops, as well as for the local and international possibilites.
[Helsingin Sanomat]

You know you’re Nordic-ghetto when you use this thing to wash your feet AND your crotch.

In Finland it is a superstition that if you are in a forest and you call a bear by ‘bear’ one will appear to eat you. So in Finland they never call the animal ‘bear’ but instead make little pet names and nicknames for it such as Otso, Ohto, Kontio, and metsהn kuningas. (Roughly translating to King of the forest.)
I need to see him perform live I NEED TO
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