Didgeridoo (by * Beezy *)

Turrimeta Beach by -yury- on Flickr.
1. It’s good for your body. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, gallstones, and kidney stones are less common in vegetarians.
2. It’s easier. I once had someone say they could never be vegetarian because it would be too hard. How can NOT cooking meat, actually be harder than cooking meat. Ok, maybe they were taking about it being harder to substitute meat. It is easy. With so many delicious vege, and legumes available to provide all of your vital vitamins and minerals. Not to mention the abundance of mean substitute. I am not just talking about Tofu, but ‘Quorn’ is the stuff dreams are made of- I swear it taste just like chicken from KFC…but nicer.
3. It’s a good conversation starter. Sure, when you tell people that your a vegetarian they going to ask a lot of really stupid questions like; “Do you still eat chicken?” and “Are you going to die?” but still, it’s a conversation starter. And after the conversation, you can walk away and laugh at their ignorance. Conversation and laughter? Vegetarianism just keeps on giving…
4. Don’t want to go without…chicken/bacon/pringles. That cool, because bacon pringles ARE VEGAN FRIENDLY.
5. You will feel superior. While everyone else is endorsing animal cruelty on a daily basis and supporting an industry which encourages inhumane and unnatural food supplies, you will be standing up for something important. Have you ever considered how weird it is how advertising often insinuates that eating meat is natural and normal, yet the Australian meat industry doesn’t provide the animals any resemblance of a natural life? Weird…
Have I sold you yet on Vegetarianism or even Veganism? Yes? Well, try it out for 30 days, pledge here: https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2055

Rock wallabies

Whitehaven Beach
San Cisco - Golden Revolver:This should come to you as no surprise, but I have spent the last 10 to 15 years of my life trying to become Emilio Estevez. Some of you might be shaking your head and screaming at your computer, “THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN BECOME ANOTHER PERSON, YOU LUNATIC!” And my response is simply this. Eat dirt.
Why bring up this lofty goal of mine? Because this song is ambitious and fun. The foursome from Australia hit the mark perfectly, combining an indie guitar sound with a pretty neat chorus line.
Enjoy the week ahead and please remember to do something spectacular.

I’m Maddy & I love wolves and Electro music.
Love Traveling to Sydney Australia come see the specials on our Fan Page for discounts you can use! http://on.fb.me/eHCRud
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