43970003 by Ella (colors of the world) on Flickr.
Today, at around 4pm, my flight leaves. This flight will take me to one city, then I’ll have a new flight to take me to another city. Then I will get on a flight, but this time, it’ll be going international. To New Zealand.
Yep, that’s right, today I embark on my journey to the foreign countries of Australia and New Zealand! The best part? I get to go on this trip with my friends. Okay, maybe two aren’t as close of friends as the other ones, but nontheless, friends. Our trip begins in New Zealand, and I can imagine that we’re going to do all sorts of crazy shit there. I also hear that New Zealand is absolutely beautiful, plus it’s where they filmed Lord of the Rings, so I’ll have my camera at hand always! We’re going to visit a jade factory, get to see the Maori people, and I personally hope to see a few kiwi birds while there. Oh, and did you know that 1% of the entire New Zealand population is HOBBIT?
After New Zealand, we’ll fly to where we’re spending the majority of our trip. That’s right…
Anyways, yes, after New Zealand, we head to Australia. We’re mainly going along the west coast, where the surfers are, I hear. But it’s gonna be winter in Australia so the temperatures will most likely be too chilly for surfing. But hey, there are some people that love surfing a lot. They didn’t invent wetsuits for nothing! All in all, in Australia, we’re doing things like going to an opal factory (MY BIRTHSTONE I MUST BUY SOMETHING), watching them shear sheep, going to Fraser Island and Darlign Harbour, and we end up in Sydney. I’m uber excited for Sydney, because we have the option to do the Sydney Harbour Bridge climb. I’m totally fucking doing it, it sounds amazing and like the best thing ever. Plus, little fun factoid for ya, the Sydney Harbour Bridge is the first place that the fireworks go off each new year. And Australia is the leader of each new day, so that’s a pretty fucking special bridge, no? I’m upset about one thing though. There’s a ballet opera being performed at the Sydney Opera House on July 5, I believe. Unfortunately, we’re really busy that day so no one can see the show. Also, the tickets cost like, $300 each! What? Must be a pretty damn good Opera House. Another thing that upset me was the fact that there are no authentic Ugg stores in Australia. None! True, they’re all manufactured in China nowadays, but why can’t there be some true Australian Uggs left in this world? Yes, there are some retailers that sell Uggs, but that’s just like Nordstrom or Dillard’s for us.
The funny part of this whole thing is that I’m going with my Girl Scout troop. Don’t judge! Hey, I get to go to mother fucking Australia and New Zealand for two weeks. Think Girl Scouts is lame now? Well, you suck then. Girl Scouts is one of the most awesome things I’ve been doing. I’ve switched troops a lot, because the ones I was in kept ending. But the one I’m now, I’m with my best friends and my good friend’s mom is the troop leader. Girl Scouts is more than just selling cookies and getting badges and shit. It’s also about fun and helping others. I told my friends that I was going on this trip and they asked what kind of service I’d be doing since it was a Girl Scout trip. I was like, “No, no, not for business, just pleasure.” I think they were kinda suprised at how Girl Scouts can include fun things like this.
Overall, I’m really damn excited to go abroad. The only foreign country I went to was Canada, and back then it didn’t count because those were the days that one didn’t need a passport to do there. Plus, where I’m going, there is a stable economy and political system (THAT EXISTS?) and a lovely thing called kangaroo meat (They say it’s like cow meat, I love veal, I shall try it!). Sure, it’ll be different that the comforting obesity of America. I’ll end up being the fattest person there! But it’s an adventure, and I’m ready for jetlag and an extreme time change :)

“How great it must have been long ago, when the world was still unknown”.
Shaun Tan (2008) Tales from Outer Suburbia, Allen & Unwin Australia

Meanwhile in Australia..

Dino Ferrari, Toorak Road 1976
– Image by © 2011 Rennie Ellis Photographic Archive
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If there’s a heaven…I want it to look like this.

The Grates - Young Pricks
““A bloke cannot marry his brother; it is not right. A woman cannot marry their sister; it is not right. A bloke cannot marry a bloke because it is not right, and a female cannot marry a female because it is not right. I don’t support this.””- Steve “Knob Head” Fielding on Same-Sex Marriage. Thankfully, he has just sat in the Senate for the last time, after failing to be re-elected.
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