Another awesome song by previously mentioned Double Dragon - Breathing Fire
Australia is getting crazy weather.i want to go to a tumblr meet up. but like no one lives near me except for chelsea and kerrin (not really). so yeah, i want to go to a tumblr meet up in my city.

Topless Tuesday~
Yes, the koala comes too. ;D

Australia vs Denmark 1-1|FIFA U17 World Cup Mexico 2011

Cannon Ball!
Fun! Pure unadulterated Fun!
Yeah, Baby!
“THIS IS OUR CITY IN SUMMER! Every January, Sydney Festival enlivens and transforms Sydney with a bold cultural celebration based on the highest quality art and big ideas. The Festival opens each year with the unique Festival First Night - a feast of music, dance and visual spectacle on the streets and in the parks of central Sydney, attracting over 200,000 people. This free event is the curtain raiser to a three week ticketed and free program that reaches an audience of around 1 million people.”- About Us - Sydney Festival

Hi, So I don’t really know how to start this…
I guess I’ll start by introducing myself, I’m Bronwyn, 18 years of age, and I live in a fairly country town on the skirts of Melbourne, Australia. I waitress for a living, and I hope to get into teaching at University (I’ve applied, I’m just waiting on the details!!!).
As does everyone on Tumblr, I loooove Harry potter. Massively!! I also enjoy Doctor Who, Xbox, and well, A lot of other stuff!! ahahaha.
I’d love to meet someone close to my age, preferably 17+ and I’m not fussed on where you’re from, or if you’re male or female. I’m just interested in you! :)
Hope to hear from you soon!
P.S. You can contact me at :
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