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New South Wales - Opera House, Sydney on Flickr.
The Sydney Opera House in New South Wales.

So I’m sitting here in bed. And my mind started wandering, as it does.
And I realized that there are 11 days (I mean. Technically it’s 10 if you go by the Australian timezone… Which it should be by… ANYHOW) until my flight is landing in the Melbourne.
7:40am in their timezone on July 6th.
I just…
I’ve been waiting for this for over six and a half months, and we’ve had our tickets since it was 127 days until July 6th and now that it’s actually getting down to it, it’s hard for me to believe.
I promised myself I wouldn’t cry before I actually got there, but tonight I’m feeling so incredibly overwhelmed that I almost can’t help help it…
Of course I will, but it’s getting so difficult.
Like… I’m actually going to be, in the words of one of my lovely tumblr followers “ in eleven days you’ll be safely in the arms your dearly beloved ;)”
Which is the best way to describe it.
This is unreal.


Adelaide - Synagogue

Rainbow in the outback #australia (Taken with instagram)
Australian immigration detention centres are less open and transparent than Guantanamo Bay.:“The excessive secrecy of Australian governments and departments undermines our democracy. When we have a situation where Australian immigration detention facilities are less accessible than the most notorious maximum-security prison on the planet, surely it’s obvious we have a problem.”

Just as we love you.

Australia / Melbourne / Urban / Graffiti / Street Photography by ?CubaGallery on Flickr.
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