Friday, June 24, 2011


whitehaven beach 

PLEASE someone tell me if the woman at 00:22 is Mia…

Btw, Sophie Lowe rocks. Love her too.



aaaagrrr i found the answer. The woman in white coat isn’t Mia, i’m sorry u.u

Remember how I mentioned having a knack for worrying about problems that aren’t actually problems?  I suppose I’m at it again.  As part of my preparations for the big trip, I’ve been doing a lot of laundry, which has given me a new appreciation for something I think most people take for granted:


Hangers are somehow simultaneously the most convenient and the least convenient things ever.  You can really only buy them about six at a time, they don’t really travel conveniently (when I moved into my dorm they were shoved into a huge trash bag all for my tiny two-foot wide closet), but once you’ve got a solid collection built up in your closet, you’re set for life and you can’t live without them.

In case you haven’t guessed, the image above is my closet.  Half my closet actually, but you may notice some organization going on… my closet is basically the one part of my room that I’m proud of. For some reason my OCD kicks in right when I’m putting away laundry, and disappears right when I finish.  I’ve mentioned morethanonce that I only get two suitcases to last the four months, and enough hangers for all the clothes I want to pack would probably fill a whole suitcase on its own.

I know my apartment has a closet but I’m not so sure about dressers, so I’m kind of at a loss for what to do which my clothes for four months.  I can’t pack more than a few hangers, and I really do hope to feel at least a little bit “moved in” once I arrive, I’d hate to live out of a suitcase that whole time.

Has anyone had this problem before?  Does anyone have suggestions?

Does anyone think I’m a little neurotic?

I want to go home at Christmas. 

I want go home to hugs and abrupt gatherings in the park. To giggling all night and sleeping at 7am. To being woken up by Jan the ex-druggie maid at ungodly hours and being told to never have children. To bus trips across town and walks to the Sydney harbor just to be in the breeze. I want to go home to forehead kisses and ‘I’ve missed you so much’.

I want to be home for the holidays.

Every time I see them on TV I’m just like…

Some bold signs at SHINee’s performance. “SHINee SHE WANTS YOUR BABIES” and “TAKE ME HOME WITH YOU” 

Screenshot taken from 


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