Sydney Opera House & Harbor Bridge into the blue by GlobeTrotter 2000 on Flickr.
New Navy - Zimbabwe
I’ve just found this band on Triple J. Nice tune for this summer!

The yet-going-to-be-the-tallest-building-in-the-city.

A new 330-foot tower in Australia with the face of an Aboriginal leader etched into the facade. Is this how postcolonialism should be approached?
2. visit australia, america, and new zealand

Russell Crowe is introducing a new workout routine in preparation to his new role in the upcoming Superman. Crowe is becoming interactive with his daily routine and Tweeting his daily activities. It seems that his workout is based around riding his bike.
Crowe tweets:
Sunday: “First ride in quite some time. Sore legs, sore a**, be worse tomorrow and the next day. 28km, not a big deal, but a good start.”
Monday: “So, no residual soreness from yesterday, quite surprised. Walked 8km today. Aim to be taking in roughly 2400 cal/ 2600 cal incl all beverages.”
Tuesday: “Two separate work outs this morning, body movement for an hour +, then body movement with weighted objects hour + .”
“A 4 shirt morning, sweaty.”
Wednesday: “Today body movement 1 hr, 50 min walk, 14km bike ride. body movement can be anything as long as your heart rates up & you’re breathing deeply.”
Even though the average man isn’t preparing for a Hollywood movie role, you could probably cut this particular workout in half and get a ‘better than average’ workout.
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